Looking for Momo Challenge Game Apk Download? so you are in right place.No more wait, we provide you Direct Link of Momo Challenge Game Apk Download is Given Bottom Of its Article . What Are the Momo Game WhatsApp Challenge? Momo challenge Game Apk is a ‘suicide game’ available on the social media platform such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube. The social media account, Momo, uses the image of an artwork, called Mother Bird by Link Factory, invoking horror among players. The game majorly targets children challenging them to communicate with an unknown number from Japan, Mexico, and Columbia. If a player refuses to follow the instructions of the game, Momo threatens them with violent images. It is said that the challenge first started on Facebook where people were asked to communicate with an unknown person via an unknown number. Reportedly, the link of this game is being circulated through Whatsapp. The first Momo challenge death took place in Argentina...