Secure nuts and bolts without over-tightening using this simple tool Are you worried about damaging nuts and bolts when you’re tightening them? Rather than guessing when to stop tightening, a torque wrench is the perfect tool for the job. Torque wrenches stop when they reach a specified torque setting, so there’s no risk of under- or over-tightening the nut or bolt when you’re doing automotive or machinery repairs. It’s so easy to set and use your torque wrench, and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know. Keep reading to learn how to adjust your wrench and maintain it like a pro. [ Edit ] Things You Should Know Loosen the locking knob at the end of the torque wrench. Turn the handle until its top edge lines up with the nearest torque measurement printed on the wrench. Spin the top dial so the desired number lines up with the vertical line on the wrench. Add the number on the top dial to the one on the wrench for the total torque. Tighten nuts or bolts with your t...